worker using an antigrav lift stood beside it, cranking the box’s top
back to reveal a load of raw, unprocessed latinum. Venus drug, introduced in “Mudd’s Women”, causes women to appear much lovelier and more exciting. Cordrazine, introduced in “The City on the Edge of Forever” is a powerful stimulant used to revive patients in an emergency. Pergium is a substance mined in “The Devil in the Dark”, and fictionally given the atomic number 112 as a chemical element in a non-canon Star Trek medical manual publication. Other materials were occasionally mentioned in the scripts, such as nitrium, a radiation-resistant material. The series’ science consultant, André Bormanis has concluded that the material would not be a good conductor of electricity.

  • Gold is neither very reactive nor absorbent, so I am not sure what pressing a liquid into it would do.
  • This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.
  • “Strips” were first referenced in “The Homecoming”, and slowly came into popular use during the latter half of DS9 Season 2.
  • It is not known if naturally occurring benamite is subject to the same process of decay.

This bluff was also used in “The Deadly Years” to escape the Romulans. In the Deep Space Nine episode “By Inferno’s Light”, Protomatter was used by a Dominion changeling in a bomb plot that, if successful, would have destroyed the Bajoran sun and the forces of https://crypto-trading.info/everfx-global-reviews/ the Alpha Quadrant. It is a delicate molecular structure, and the replication process destabilizes it, producing a different allotrope at least, and a different formula at most. “And you end up with chaseum, not latinum, in the replicator,” concluded Riker.

Gold-Pressed Latinum to USD conversion… wtf

You can tell the replicator how make it, But it will only do so much thus the synthesised title. You could then scan to see if the latinum had these “cheat” atomic shortcuts and then know if its fake or real. The basis for currency is https://coinbreakingnews.info/blog/slickvpn-archives/ something that can’t be easily created, can be easily transported, and is limited in quantity. Obviously, the Ferengi chose Latinum because it fit the criteria. It obviously isn’t perfect – latinum, as BBlake pointed out, is a liquid.

  • The writers did try and sprinkle in some comparable examples.
  • The most commonly used forms are slips, strips, bars, and bricks, but it’s likely that some eccentric and incredibly wealthy Ferengi may also have entire swimming pools of the stuff.
  • Felicium, a highly addictive narcotic produced on the planet Brekka, but misrepresented as a medicine for a plague impacting the planet Ornara.
  • Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.
  • This could work if latinum were either very cohesive or very adhesive to gold – but the pressing process would still pose a problem, since gold is very soft, and a fine network of pores could be easily destroyed by pressure.

Curious whether the actual process for gold pressed latinum is ever mentioned. It’s possible to encase a liquid into gold, but then you would call it gold encased latinum, rather than gold pressed latinum. Gold is neither very reactive nor absorbent, so I am not sure what pressing a liquid into it would do. If there had been a solid that fit better, I’d bet anything the Ferengi would have used it instead. The only good reason they could have for choosing latinum is that it isn’t possible to make via replicator.

Federation ships in the 32nd century also used this material in their construction. The NX-01 Enterprise partly consists of horonium, an element that is rare to find but can be synthesised. As with any fictitious substance, it’s hard to get a real reading on how much Latinum is actually worth by today’s standards of currency. The bars themselves hold such a small amount that even a small cup full of the pure stuff was worth a fortune. The writers did try and sprinkle in some comparable examples. The mysterious, and often nefarious Garek of Deep Space 9 sells his exquisitely tailored dresses for around 20 strips.

List of Star Trek materials

As such, there were no worries that the gold would affect, dilute, or taint the Latinum within. To be used as an efficient currency, gold-pressed Latinum is often broken down into different sizes. The most commonly used forms are slips, strips, bars, and bricks, but it’s likely that some eccentric and incredibly wealthy Ferengi may also have entire swimming pools of the stuff. As Star Trek would have it, life is so rosy in the future that folks don’t have any need for money. (Don’t ask us how they get stuff — it’s one of Star Trek’s fuzzier areas.) The Ferengi, on the other hand, love money — or rather, latinum, a highly precious liquid metal. It’s generally referred to as gold-pressed latinum, because it comes inside gold ingots, in denominations of slips, strips, bars, and bricks.

Missions formerly involved

Felicium, a highly addictive narcotic produced on the planet Brekka, but misrepresented as a medicine for a plague impacting the planet Ornara. While Latimum was often a secondary thought for most human/Starfleet characters, audiences do find out approximately how much the Ferengi main characters have stored away in their accounts. The numbers speak words for their varying successes in the world of acquisition. The lovable Nog has five bars, while his father Rom has 17 bars.

So it could very well be “pressed gold encasing latinum” and also be correctly called “gold pressed latinum.” The latter would be the common name. Remember that even the food and alcohol the replicators make are not exact to the real thing. I would venture to say that seeing how difficult complex metals and organisms can be from raw material, it probably just can’t produce anything over a certain technical rating.

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Given that latinum is a liquid, this would also likely make for bars that are extremely fragile – unless latinum possess some quality that offsets that. It would also mean that latinum is constantly decaying into something else – and that would make it a terrible form of currency. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct. It needs to be smelted and processed to remove the impurities and turn it into its pure liquid form. Latinum is now considered the go-to currency in the Star Trek universe because it’s so rare and can’t be replicated. Gold (Au) and diamonds (a gem made of carbon atoms linked together in a lattice structure) on the other hand can be dug up by scratching around in the dirt on earth and other planets and can also apparently be replicated.

While it can be frozen or mixed with other substances to solidify it, the most common way to store it is to suspend the liquid in gold or gold dust. These are the bars that frequently appear in Star Trek media, and this form is dubbed gold-pressed Latinum. One way I could picture it is that gold is made porous (such as by loosely binding gold dust through heat), and latinum is contained within it. This could work if latinum were either very cohesive or very adhesive to gold – but the pressing process would still pose a problem, since gold is very soft, and a fine network of pores could be easily destroyed by pressure.

It would also explain why it can’t be replicated, if replicators can’t replicate certain radioactive materials (as someone above me posted). Gold is a decent radiation shield, and since there is not a lot of latinum in each brick/bar/stick/slip compared to the amount of gold used, it’s safe to say that it is sufficient enough to shield the radiation that the Latinum produces. Ignoring for the moment the entire question of how a replicator would work in the real world (this is fiction after all), the problem with latinum not being replicable is non-trivial. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. Peeking around the side of the vat, Jake looked to where his friend

Precious materials

Gold, by contrast, is considered “worthless” by some species, since it is easily replicated and has no practical use beyond decoration. It’s pressed into gold so that it can be weighed, measured, carried, handled, etc. Chemically speaking, gold is one of the least reactive metals — it does not readily rust, corrode, dissolve, or interact with its environment. This makes it a particularly good choice as a “bonding agent” for latinum.

Benamite is a rare and unstable form of crystal required to construct and run a quantum slipstream drive. According to “Timeless” (VOY), benamite is extremely difficult to synthesize and creating enough for one slipstream drive can take years. Synthesized benamite is also known to decay and become useless over time. It is not known if naturally https://cryptominer.services/the-20-coolest-cloud-security-companies-of-the-2/ occurring benamite is subject to the same process of decay. Verterium cortenide is a usually synthetically generated compound, the only known substance to be capable of generating warp fields, when supplied with energy, in form of plasma, from the warp core. Dilithium was frequently featured in the original series as a scarce resource.